Nationale Rassehundezuchtschau Leipzig 2008
14. September 2008
Richter: Holm-Hansen (Dänemark)

Rüden Jugendklasse
V1 JCACSilkmans Castle Hope For Glory 4
V2 rJCAC Starworkers No Mercy
V3 Node in Action Attila
SG4 Whispering Wind Enterprising Edgar

Rüden Zwischenklasse
V1 CAC Comependio Arville
SG2 Huk Besmoon Bonny Dux

Rüden Championklasse
V1 CAC Huntlovers Olympic Gold Winner

Rüden Gebrauchshunde
V1 CAC Neutr.CAC BOS Toffedreams Hot Streak
V2 rCAC Copperwoods Almiro

Rüden offene Klasse
V1 CAC Black Amandas Question of Style
V2 rCAC Griffin Sunrise Bonny Dux
V3 Colona Ben Nevis
SG4 Silkmans Castle Forget Me Not 2

Hündinnen Jüngstenklasse
VV Bedragglers Chocolate Birdie

Hündinnen Jugendklasse
V1 JCAC Silkmans Castle Hope For Glory 7
V2 rJCAC Nerelius Let's Get Wild
SG3 Aphrodite Terra Amaltea
SG4 Glenisla of Fellow Workers
SG Silkmans Castle Hope For Glory 9

Hündinnen Zwischenklasse
V1 CAC Witches Brew Fairy Queen Fiona

Hündinnen Championklasse
V1 CAC Neutrales CAC BOB Starworkers Daily News

Hündinnen Gebrauchshundeklasse
V1 CAC Catharina vom Wildförstersee

Hündinnen Offene Klasse
V1 CAC Black Amandas Your Chocolate Dream
V2 rCAC Sommersauld's Favorite Girlie
SG Betrice Z Chmeloveho Dvora
SG Brave Hunter of Blade Pathes